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Hatred, Intolerance on Display

with 4 comments

You know when you’re doing something right:  you start getting tomatoes thrown at you.  In this case, naturally, it was only a matter of time before “they” started leaving their well-thought-out and, of course, completely accurate comments on this blog about the gay “lifestyle”.  Makes sense to me.  I would fully expect them to be experts on how we, the LGBT community, live our lives…much in the same way I would fully expect my mechanic to have the perfect diagnosis and treatment for whatever physical ailment I may have at the time.

I didn’t want to publish this comment.  But, the more I thought about it, the more it became clear that this is exactly the type of mean-spirited, hate-laced behavior and reaction that I’ve been talking about.  It’s exactly the type of response we’ve come to expect from the hard-core, ultra-conservative, group who dedicate their lives to hating any- and everyone who doesn’t think like them or act the way they feel you should act.  So, I have to publish it:

Homosexuality is a behavior. I mean that whole “genetic difference” fraud has been thoroughly debunked and now it is referred to as a “lifestyle” which openly implies choice. Thus the Jim Crow analogy you so frivolously apply is errant from the start. Nice try though. Oh yes and studies are also demonstrating that “queerness” does not occur in nature at some regular, predictable rate either as the homo community has alleged recently. It is after all quite “unnatural”. Were it an instinct of nature it would be productive not destructive. Simple enough eh? It’s just plain old square peg round hole stupidity and futility but some are determined to persist in their ways which are much too often self indulgent and self loathing. A frank discussion with the priest or pastor might bring about much needed spiritual enlightenment. I would recommend that.

Regarding the idiotic and shallow remark made above about Christians and minorities nothing could be further from the truth. It isn’t Christians funding and promoting Planned Parenthood the organization founded to exterminate blacks and now applying the same level of hate for their fellow man among latinos. Those are secularists, progressies, and plain old moral wretches. I mean think about it rationally for a moment: you have your baby, your product killed via brutal method then it is sucked down a vacuum hose, the parts placed in a bag, then thrown out in the dumpster? And you want to call this a “womans right to choose”? She chooses allright. There is truly a deep level of pathology at work in that kind of mind. In fact it is acknowledged to be so disgusting and disturbing that Planned Parenthood and abortion supporters don’t want women to see pictures or video’s of the procedure or the result in fear that they might actually become re-acquainted with their consciences. That says it all. God help us.

“Stupidity”, “futility”, “self-indulgent”, and my personal favorite “self-loathing”.  That’s this person’s view of the LGBT community.

Let me say right here that this is not an attack on Republicans.  I have many Republican friends who are absolutely wonderful people.  To be sure, most of them even distance themselves from the narrow-mindedness, hatred, and intolerance that is spewed from the fringe group.  Instead, this is about people who hate anyone who doesn’t conform to their beliefs.  That’s a very dangerous mindset.

The first question that comes to mind is why is it that what other people do with their lives so incredibly disturbing to these people?  I don’t know what goes on in their homes.  And, personally, I don’t really care.  Nothing about their lives has an affect on my life.  That is, of course, unless and until they begin to impose their thoughts, their beliefs, their biases on my life.  Then, the line is drawn.

Now, in an attempt to be fair to “the other side”, I will acknowledge that their first argument to what I just said will be “Well, you gays are always shoving your lifestyles in our(the normal people’s) faces.”  How would I know that?  Because, they’ve used it so much, now, it’s become a tired cliche.  But, let’s explore that philosophy:  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought this struggle that we’re immersed in is for equal rights.  Nothing more; nothing less.  Two factors come into play with their argument:  1.)  if “they” weren’t always so concerned about “those radical gays” or “the gay agenda”, there would be no need for “them” to feel we’re “shoving [ourselves] in their faces”.  If they would simply mind their own business and live their own lives as opposed to trying to dictate ours, they probably wouldn’t even know we are here; and, 2.) we get heterosexuality “shoved” in our collective faces regularly, which makes their argument terribly hypocritical.

Let’s cut to the chase.  What this comment proved, without doubt, is exactly what I’ve been saying:  the mindset and the rhetoric that comes from the opponent out there on that fringe right, is nothing short of hate speech.  There is nothing “godly” about how “anonymous” wrote that.  It was written with unmitigated hatred.  It was written as an attack.  And, it’s precisely that mindset and rhetoric that fuels the violence against the LGBT community that we see.  It’s the trigger to many a gay teen suicide; it’s the catalyst for many of the schoolyard bullies.

So, how do we combat it effectively?  Well, first of all, we need to be realistic and understand that it may never fully go away.  There will always be lunatics who need someone to look down upon in order to make themselves feel superior.  And, there will always be the self-righteous power junkies ready to force their will, their views, their reality on others.  Ultimately, we combat them, and win, by continuing to increase our numbers and making our voices heard.  We win by continuing to live our lives openly, honestly, proudly, and happily.  Most importantly, though, we continue to spread love because, in the end, love will always conquer hate.

“I’m a Christian, Unless You’re Gay”.  Explain to me, again, how that works!?

Written by Ron Kemp

April 4, 2012 at 5:07 am

4 Responses

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  1. I live in South Mississippi in the middle of the Bible belt and sometimes you have to learn how to deal with ignorant people.
    I have been very blessed since I moved back to take care of my elderly mom. I have a lot of people that support me and accept me for who I am. Most of them are Christian people, and they treat me the same as before. Now I’m not saying that some of them haven’t preached to me about it, but I just remind them of the bible verse that says judge not and be not judged then they’re finished and go on. My life is better without them in it anyway. I figure if a lot of the elderly people in our community can accept it then its all about the ones who has a problem not me.<3 = ❤

    Missy Bourne

    April 4, 2012 at 6:44 am

  2. Wow, it is hard to believe that some people are actually like this. I’ve had some of these people confront me face to face. It gets tiring. Some people are very ignorant, and unfortunately a lot of ignorant people hide behind their religion – not all religious people are ignorant, of course – but religion seems to go hand in hand with ignorance at times. It’s sad that people use a religion based on kindness and understanding to fight their own causes.
    I’ve recently had someone say almost the same thing as this person on my blog. I don’t understand why they find that they have to leave comments like these.
    Ignorance is one of the worst traits a person can have.


    April 5, 2012 at 3:00 am

    • They find it necessary to leave comments like that because of several reasons. One being it feeds their own insecurity. In order for them to feel good about themselves, they NEED to have someone to “look down” upon. Another reason is because of their own narrowmindedness. Anyone who don’t think and act exactly as they do, or as they see fit for YOU to live, is seen as a threat to their fragile world. Therefore, they must be attacked. By the way, I like your blog!


      April 5, 2012 at 3:14 am

      • Yes, I can see how some peoples minds would work like that. It’s rather sad, but there’s no point wishing for it to change. You have to work for change.
        People need to start to grow up and realize that we’re all humans, no matter how we are born.
        Thank you, I also like yours, you talk about some very interesting topics and I love that I can see how much your heart is in it. It’s very inspiring.


        April 5, 2012 at 3:33 am

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